Note: If you have not used the Tanzbar Lite for a time, be sure to press the buttons firmly. They seem to not work well when left unused. After a session of use (and firm presses) they should to start working normally again. Like most MFB products, the Tanbar light is a mix of great …
Author Archives: Jack
Modifying and rebuilding an RPM from source
This is a topic covered over and over on the internet and yet I can never find the quick guide I need. Here for my notes are how to modify and rebuild an RPM from source. First, download the SRPM and install it: You may see some errors about groups, you can ignore these. You …
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Finding an expired certificate
I had a strange issue today regarding a particular expired certificate on a webserver. The problem was that the server in question was an nginx reverse proxy that proxied many domains and contained many hundreds of certificates. For various, um, “technical reasons”, I could not locate the exact cert that was bad. I only knew …
Creating a simple, quick Borg backup
Here is how to create a simple borg backup. Something more along the lines of a zip file than a careful backup system. I’m using this method for long term storage. The primary benefits are de-duplication and compression. Again, to clarify – these are not backups meant to be updated each day/week/month. These are simply …
Using a private key file with sftp over lftp
I ran into a few issues trying to use a non-default private key file with lftp. Here is how I got it to work: inside ~/.lftprc put The important items are what is passed to the -i option – this should be the private key you want to use. In my example I’m also using …
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Install nc on Ubuntu 16.04
To install nc aka netcat on Ubuntu, type: Simple enough. I added this entry because I noticed many resources reference only netcat and not nc. I thought this might be of help to someone needing “the nc command” without knowing to search for netcat. Enjoy your day.
Slow login and su on Centos 7 (not an ssh or dns problem)
I had a particular Centos 8 box that had very slow logins but over ssh but also using su. The issue was not with dns and ssh. I finally found the problem – or at least the fix (related to systemd, sigh): The server was running inside of openvz so perhaps there were resource issues …
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Reset Centos 8 root password
reboot the server at grub menu, press up/down to pause auto booting select top menu item, press e (to edit) in editing menu, go to end of line starting with “linux” and add “rd.break” press control-x to boot using this edited grub command line when the server starts you should not have to login at …
Force new videos to show up on Roku Synology share
inside ssh:
Arch Linux virtualbox install on OSX
If your Virtualbox screen is too small, go to preferences and adjust screen scaling to 300% (or your choice). You’ll need to restart any running virtual machine to see the effect of this. largely from :