Mutable Instruments Clouds Clones: Monsoon vs uClouds SE

I mistakenly thought that the Tall Dog uClouds se was an expanded clouds (similar to monsoon) but smaller. This is a not correct. uClouds se is only a shrunk down clouds. I believe my confusion came from the “se”. I previously, mistakenly, thought the Instruō uClouds was by tall-dog and that the “se” was another …

Programming the MFB Tanzbar Lite

Note: If you have not used the Tanzbar Lite for a time, be sure to press the buttons firmly. They seem to not work well when left unused. After a session of use (and firm presses) they should to start working normally again. Like most MFB products, the Tanbar light is a mix of great …

Does the Yamaha DX100 send program change commands?

The manual for the DX100 says it sends program changes yet mine refused to do so. Here is how to make the DX100 send program changes. To send program changes you must have “ch info” set to on (as the manual says). What the manual does not mention is that “sys info” must be set …