Finding an expired certificate

I had a strange issue today regarding a particular expired certificate on a webserver. The problem was that the server in question was an nginx reverse proxy that proxied many domains and contained many hundreds of certificates. For various, um, “technical reasons”, I could not locate the exact cert that was bad. I only knew …

Creating a simple, quick Borg backup

Here is how to create a simple borg backup. Something more along the lines of a zip file than a careful backup system. I’m using this method for long term storage. The primary benefits are de-duplication and compression. Again, to clarify – these are not backups meant to be updated each day/week/month. These are simply …

Using a private key file with sftp over lftp

I ran into a few issues trying to use a non-default private key file with lftp. Here is how I got it to work: inside ~/.lftprc put The important items are what is passed to the -i option – this should be the private key you want to use. In my example I’m also using …

Slow login and su on Centos 7 (not an ssh or dns problem)

I had a particular Centos 8 box that had very slow logins but over ssh but also using su. The issue was not with dns and ssh. I finally found the problem – or at least the fix (related to systemd, sigh): The server was running inside of openvz so perhaps there were resource issues …

Rsync with Hetzner storage boxes

In all examples, replace u2xxxxx-sub5 and with the names of your user and storage box. First, make sure “external reachability” and “ssh” are enabled. You can make the base directory easily by ftp’ing in first and creating the directory. Next, open the web interface and set the base directory for the sub-account to the …

Faderfox SC4 Tutorial and Notes

Overview The highest level division in the SC4 is a setup. A setup can be either a midi controller setup or sequencer setup. The SC4 can store 30 setups. Midi controller setups contain 8 groups which each contain 8 knobs and pushbuttons (built into the knobs). By selecting different groups with the green buttons at …