When mysql won’t start due to innodb errors

Over the years innodb has caused me more trouble than anything else in the LAMP stack. MyISAM tables seem to work and repair without issue. Innodb seem to be endless trouble. Alas, clients need them so I have to make them work. Today a mysql server crashed and wouldn’t restart. A few of the errors: …

Fixing promox lockups

My proxmox 6 test install locked up every day or two. Here is the fix. This in particular seems to apply to common hardware on Hetzner servers. In /etc/default/grub, update this line : Reboot and you should find your server stable. Read more on the proxmox forum at https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/random-crashes-reboots-mit-proxmox-ve-6-1-auf-ex62-nvme-hetzner.63597/page-2

Does the Yamaha DX100 send program change commands?

The manual for the DX100 says it sends program changes yet mine refused to do so. Here is how to make the DX100 send program changes. To send program changes you must have “ch info” set to on (as the manual says). What the manual does not mention is that “sys info” must be set …

Today’s lesson: Make use of package managers

I needed to distribute, backup and install some files to a large number of servers today. I had wrote most of a small script when I was reminded of a maxim that I often forget: Make use of package managers. Everything my script did a package manager would do much better. The quickest way to …

Fixing Apple Mail (mail.app / mac mail) “cannot verify username or password”

Every version of mac mail seems to have new ways to make the setup and configuration of pop3 mail not work. Today I ran into a new problem and solution. This particular fix is for accounts that are set up and working but will not save changes made to the configuration after the initial setup. …

Rsync with Hetzner storage boxes

In all examples, replace u2xxxxx-sub5 and u2xxxxx.your-storagebox.de with the names of your user and storage box. First, make sure “external reachability” and “ssh” are enabled. You can make the base directory easily by ftp’ing in first and creating the directory. Next, open the web interface and set the base directory for the sub-account to the …