Behringer UFX 1604 mixer shows “nac” when trying to record to usb

If your Behringer UFX mixer shows “nac” when inserting a usb you need to move the switch in the back to the middle position “Stand alone” mode. If the mixer is in usb or firewire mode the standalone mixer will not function. Once in stand alone the message “FSE” (or maybe “FOR”) means the drive …

OP1 midi input/ouput with iConnect Midi

I recently decided to connect my OP-1 to din midi via the iConnectmidi USB host. However, despite recalling this working fine in the past, I ran into various problems. In this post I will outline a few problems and solutions. However first, let’s confirm how this setup should work when all is correct: You should …

Mutable Instruments Beads remix patch

This will create an automated remix/blend of two tracks. Play two bits of stereo audio track1 followed immeidatly by track2 press freeze Density at 2pm Pitch at noon Time at 9pm size at 5pm shape to taste peaks random lfo to time, attenuate at 3pm (optional – you can use the internal randomizer) (optional) peaks …

Compiling phazorville

Notes on the steps I took to add my apps to phazorville. I believe the first time I used the arduino ide and the “old” method to create a firmware then likely manually uploaded it. I tried today to use the “new” way. I did the following: curl -fsSL -o Which installed …