Mutable Instruments Beads remix patch

This will create an automated remix/blend of two tracks.

Play two bits of stereo audio track1 followed immeidatly by track2

press freeze

Density at 2pm

Pitch at noon

Time at 9pm

size at 5pm

shape to taste

peaks random lfo to time, attenuate at 3pm (optional – you can use the internal randomizer)

(optional) peaks random lfo 2 to shape, attenuate 1pm or to taste

wet/dry to full wet

size unpatched at 1pm

Compiling phazorville

Notes on the steps I took to add my apps to phazorville.

I believe the first time I used the arduino ide and the “old” method to create a firmware then likely manually uploaded it.

I tried today to use the “new” way. I did the following:

curl -fsSL -o

Which installed pio at :


I could then compile with:

~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e pewpewpew

This placed the compiled firmware at :


I added my own applets by putting the code into :


and updating:

Nord Lead 3 notes

Noting down some saved information

From gearslutz :

To sync the Nord Lead 3 arp to midi:

“Connect your midi cables, out of sequencer (or clock source) to input of the NL3

Press the MasterClock button (configuration buttons) and select EXT as a source clock (instead of INTERNAL)

Press RUN to start the arpeggiator – the green light will go on (the rate will be controlled by the external clock source ie. your sequencer).

Then press the SHIFT AND THE ARP RATE KNOB left or right to set the timing ie. 4, 4T, 8, 8T etc.

The red light below should be lighted and your arpeggiator will play back in perfect timing with your sequencer.

… there seems to be no mention of this in the manual.”

Doepfer MSY2 clock stop/start

I recently tried to use a MSY2 to stop and start my modular sequencers when a midi start/stop was received. It doesn’t do this unfortunatly. The clock output on the 1/8″ output jack (ie. to provide clock to modular devices) will send clock pulses as long as a midi clock is present on the midi input.

Also of note – though likely obvious – the midi through does pass sync on from the midi input. In my case I was using Korg SQ-1 midi output for clock, thru to the Octatrack and the clock out to modular. I had hoped pressing stop on the SQ-1 would stop the modular clock output (though even if it did I would still need to worry about sending a reset to any connected sequencers).

Another item of note – the SQ1 is not a great master clock due to the very hard to set master tempo (ie. the “speed” control) on the sq1. The knob is extremely sensitive making it quite hard to dial in an exact tempo. Perhaps a bigger replacement knob would make it easier.

Also of note – the MSY2 has a power input but, at least with midi coming from the Octatrack, enough power is sent over midi to not require the power supply. I’ve not tested this when using the din-sync outputs. These may increase the power requirements. At least when only using the clock output, all works with no external power.

To set the MSY2 to output one pulse per 16th note, set the dip switches on the underside of the unit to:

1 – up

2 – down

3 -up

4 – down

5 – up

6 – up

Note per the manual (I believe) only switch 1-4 affect the clock division. 5 and 6 may be set differently for your particular needs.

Book plate

“A Book is a Journey” Bookplate found at Vons in West Lafayette, Indiana. I somehow did not take a photo of the cover but I believe it was a 1950’s or earlier Math Dictionary or Encyclopedia.

Wonderful, tight passageway in the basement of Von’s.

I also found it notable t hat Von’s has a whole room full of the typical college dorm room accessories unchanged from what a similar store would have sold in the 90s.

An above average selection of vinyl and used cds was for sale (including a bin of left over Record Store Day items). Another room was packed with beaded style necklace and new age-ish crystal type items. An interesting comment on a world that loves science and shuns traditional faith. A touch of the spiritual that demands little in the way of action, awe or adoration. All in all, a brisk business was being done throughout the store this Friday afternoon in July and I was happy to see it.

OPZ midi sequencing

Note: Any track can be used for midi sequencing.

Ensure midi out is enabled on the opz:

Hold the screen button and press the metronome button three times, then pressing the “3” key to turn midi out on/off. You may also use the app to turn midi on and off

Set the midi channel for your chosen track

Select the track on the opz, in the app adjust the channel or hold down shift then hold down the instrument until the step lights flash. When lights flash, select the new midi channel.

By default, the internal synth will still play on the track. Turn off output from the opz internal synth for the channel: hold mixer + shift then instrument. This will mute the internal synth.

Set up midi cc:

You must use the app to set the midi cc’s for each track.

Go to midi setup on app,

Mutable Instruments Peaks Calibration

To enter calibration mode on the Mutable Instruments peaks, power the module on with the second button pressed. The first and second knobs act as coarse/fine adjustments for offset on channel 1 (The third and fourth knobs do the same for channel 2). Check both channels with a multimeter and adjust until they’re at 0V.

To complete, press the top button to save the calibration and restart.