Removing silent wav files

I use the following script to copy files from my 16 track stems. The script copies the files over, then uses sox to find “silent” files and remove them.

# February 12, 2025 (Wednesday)

echo "Copying files to ~/Music/incoming_mixer_files/"
#rsync -va /Volumes/NO\ NAME/Records ~/Music/incoming_mixer_files/

# Check if rsync was successful
if [ $EXIT_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Error: rsync failed with status $EXIT_STATUS"
    exit $EXIT_STATUS
    echo "Files copied successfully to ~/Music/incoming_mixer_files/."

find ~/Music/incoming_mixer_files/ -type f -name "*.wav" -exec sh -c '
    for file; do
#        echo "Processing: $file"
        # Get RMS level in dB directly
        rms_db=$(sox "$file" -n stats 2>&1 | awk "/RMS lev dB/ {print \$4}")
        # Check if below threshold (-65dB) - comparing as a number
        if [ -n "$rms_db" ] && [ $(echo "$rms_db < -65" | bc) -eq 1 ]; then
            #echo "SILENT FILE DETECTED: $file (${rms_db}dB)"           
            mv "$file" ~/.Trash/
            echo "Active file - keeping: $file (${rms_db}dB)"
' sh {} +

Behringer UFX 1604 mixer shows “nac” when trying to record to usb

If your Behringer UFX mixer shows “nac” when inserting a usb you need to move the switch in the back to the middle position “Stand alone” mode. If the mixer is in usb or firewire mode the standalone mixer will not function.

Once in stand alone the message “FSE” (or maybe “FOR”) means the drive needs formatted. Press the flashing green “Play” button to format or the Stop button to cancel. I’ve not had much luck with this though. I remember it worked in the past so I am curious if newer, larger usb drives are the problem. Update: large drives are no a problem. I was able to record to a 128GB usb thumb drive. I had many drives that would not work after formatting different ways on both a mac and windows computer. I think the issue is some thumb drives are of very low quality. If you are using randing old drives you had laying around they may be on the verge of failure. Just a guess…

Patch Notes

4ms Stereo Triggered Sampler plays a user recorded sample of a marimba type sound playing a musical phrase

Hemispheres LowerRentz (the first time I’ve used this in a patch) :

Freq 234
Rho 22
X goes to Mutable shades with 2 o’clock attenuation, then to 4ms Start Pos CV
Y goes to Mutable shades with 12 noon attenuation, then to 4ms Length CV

Erica Trigg triggers STS play input with steady pulses

Output of 4ms goes to Erica Black Stereo Mixer channel 4
Channel 4 Pan input is controlled by A118-2 RND output

Recorded into Ableton Live February 6, 2025 (Thursday) 3:23pm

Compiling Mutable Instruments Peaks on osx Sonoma

Very rough notes on modifying peaks using a 2025 era apple os.

brew tap ArmMbed/homebrew-formulae
brew install cmake dfu-util arm-none-eabi-gcc
brew install arm-none-eabi-gcc
brew tap osx-cross/arm
brew install arm-gcc-bin

# Get the firmware:

git clone --recurse-submodules mutable_instruments_eurorack
cd mutable_instruments_eurorack/peaks
cd ..
git submodule update --init --recursive

cd peaks
ln -s ../stmlib stmlib

cd ..

git clone

git submodule update --init --recursive

cd peaks
ln -s ../stmlib stmlib
# i think this may have failed so I copied it from the original repo
rsync -a ../mutable_instruments_eurorack/stmlib .
rsync -a ../stmlib .

# update the makefile
# you must edit the make file to point to the toolchain in /opt

TOOLCHAIN_PATH ?= /opt/homebrew/

edit the peaks/makefile

F_CRYSTAL      = 8000000L
F_CPU          = 72000000L
FAMILY         = f10x
DENSITY        = md
MEMORY_MODE    = flash
# USB            = enabled

BOOTLOADER     = peaks_bootloader

# Preferred upload command
UPLOAD_COMMAND  = upload_combo_jtag

# Packages to build
TARGET         = peaks
PACKAGES       = peaks \
		peaks/drivers \
		peaks/drums \
		peaks/modulations \
		peaks/number_station \
		peaks/pulse_processor \
		stmlib/utils \
RESOURCES      = peaks/resources

TOOLCHAIN_PATH ?= /opt/homebrew/

EXTRA_INCLUDES = -I/opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-gcc-bin@10/10.3-2021.10_1/arm-none-eabi/include \
                -I/opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-gcc-bin@10/10.3-2021.10_1/lib/arm-none-eabi/include \
                -I/opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-gcc-bin@10/10.3-2021.10_1/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/10.3.1 \

# Add these library paths                                                                                                                                                                                             
EXTRA_LIBS = -L/opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-gcc-bin@10/10.3-2021.10_1/arm-none-eabi/lib \

# Add the path where crt0.o resides                                                                                                                                                                                   
EXTRA_LDFLAGS = -L/opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-gcc-bin@10/10.3-2021.10_1/arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb/v7-m/nofp

include stmlib/

# Rule for building the firmware update file
wav:  $(TARGET_BIN)
	python stm_audio_bootloader/fsk/ \
		-s 48000 -b 16 -n 8 -z 4 -p 256 \

and the stmlib/

# add the line 
            		-I. \
                        $(EXTRA_INCLUDES) \
                        -D$(ARCH_DEFINE) \
                        -D$(MODEL_DEFINE) \
                        $(PROJECT_CONFIGURATION) \
                        -DF_CPU=$(F_CPU) \
                        -DF_CRYSTAL=$(F_CRYSTAL) \
                        -DHSE_VALUE=$(F_CRYSTAL) \
                        -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER \


    -Wl,-Map=$(BUILD_DIR)$(TARGET).map \
    -Wl,--gc-sections \
    $(ARCHFLAGS) \
    $(INCFLAGS) \
    $(EXTRA_LIBS) \

LDFLAGS += --specs=nosys.specs --specs=nano.specs

OP1 midi input/ouput with iConnect Midi

I recently decided to connect my OP-1 to din midi via the iConnectmidi USB host. However, despite recalling this working fine in the past, I ran into various problems. In this post I will outline a few problems and solutions.

However first, let’s confirm how this setup should work when all is correct:

You should connect a standard USB cable to the front middle input of the iConnect MIDI (the Type-A jack, i.e., the type found on most computers). Once connected, you should see the green light near the USB symbol on the iConnect MIDI illuminated. At this point, MIDI input and output from the OP-1 should work.

You can set the channel on the OP-1 by pressing the “COM” button, select track 1 then press shift + “COM” to set the channel. The channel selected works as both the midi input channel and midi output channel. Midi clock is transmitted as well as start/stop.

If everything is set up correctly, you should see the green light near the USB symbol on the front of the iConnect MIDI. When you press notes on the OP-1, that light should flicker to indicate MIDI activity.

In my case, I ran into problems, which may have been caused by a faulty cable. I initially swapped out the cable, and it worked immediately, leading me to believe the original cable was indeed bad. Some cheaper cables only provide power but fail to transmit data. However, after some time, the new replacement cable stopped working as well, even though the USB light remained lit.

I was able to resolve the issue by pressing the reset button on the iConnect MIDI. I’m not sure if the problem lies with the iConnect MIDI, the OP-1, or a more general issue caused by repeatedly connecting and disconnecting various devices. It’s possible that these actions caused either the iConnect MIDI or the OP-1 to lock up or become confused.

The OP-1 sequencers all send midi output and I was able to use them to play the Roland S-1 synth. I was also able to use the Korg SQ-1 to send notes into the synths of the OP-1.

Also of note, the Roland S-1 passed the incoming OP-1 midi clock to the S-1 sync out to drive the clock on my modular.

Mutable Instruments Beads remix patch

This will create an automated remix/blend of two tracks.

Play two bits of stereo audio track1 followed immeidatly by track2

press freeze

Density at 2pm

Pitch at noon

Time at 9pm

size at 5pm

shape to taste

peaks random lfo to time, attenuate at 3pm (optional – you can use the internal randomizer)

(optional) peaks random lfo 2 to shape, attenuate 1pm or to taste

wet/dry to full wet

size unpatched at 1pm

Compiling phazorville

Notes on the steps I took to add my apps to phazorville.

I believe the first time I used the arduino ide and the “old” method to create a firmware then likely manually uploaded it.

I tried today to use the “new” way. I did the following:

curl -fsSL -o

Which installed pio at :


I could then compile with:

~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e pewpewpew

This placed the compiled firmware at :


I added my own applets by putting the code into :


and updating:

Nord Lead 3 notes

Noting down some saved information

From gearslutz :

To sync the Nord Lead 3 arp to midi:

“Connect your midi cables, out of sequencer (or clock source) to input of the NL3

Press the MasterClock button (configuration buttons) and select EXT as a source clock (instead of INTERNAL)

Press RUN to start the arpeggiator – the green light will go on (the rate will be controlled by the external clock source ie. your sequencer).

Then press the SHIFT AND THE ARP RATE KNOB left or right to set the timing ie. 4, 4T, 8, 8T etc.

The red light below should be lighted and your arpeggiator will play back in perfect timing with your sequencer.

… there seems to be no mention of this in the manual.”

Doepfer MSY2 clock stop/start

I recently tried to use a MSY2 to stop and start my modular sequencers when a midi start/stop was received. It doesn’t do this unfortunatly. The clock output on the 1/8″ output jack (ie. to provide clock to modular devices) will send clock pulses as long as a midi clock is present on the midi input.

Also of note – though likely obvious – the midi through does pass sync on from the midi input. In my case I was using Korg SQ-1 midi output for clock, thru to the Octatrack and the clock out to modular. I had hoped pressing stop on the SQ-1 would stop the modular clock output (though even if it did I would still need to worry about sending a reset to any connected sequencers).

Another item of note – the SQ1 is not a great master clock due to the very hard to set master tempo (ie. the “speed” control) on the sq1. The knob is extremely sensitive making it quite hard to dial in an exact tempo. Perhaps a bigger replacement knob would make it easier.

Also of note – the MSY2 has a power input but, at least with midi coming from the Octatrack, enough power is sent over midi to not require the power supply. I’ve not tested this when using the din-sync outputs. These may increase the power requirements. At least when only using the clock output, all works with no external power.

To set the MSY2 to output one pulse per 16th note, set the dip switches on the underside of the unit to:

1 – up

2 – down

3 -up

4 – down

5 – up

6 – up

Note per the manual (I believe) only switch 1-4 affect the clock division. 5 and 6 may be set differently for your particular needs.